2 INTROUTION if the psalm prays, pray with it; if it cries, cry you too; if it gives thanks, be glad; if it hopes, hope; if it fears, fear you too. (St ugustine On the Psalms) light. In the Neocatechumenal way the humble and essential ministry of cantor is coming to In this way of initiation to aith, the cantor has the mission of helping to create the liturgical community, or, in a better way, to recreate it; the cantor has the mission of transforming the assembly of many people into a unity of worshipping: with one voice, one heart, and one soul. The spiritual worship is expressed in the liturgy of the community. uring our historical walking the spiritual worship is the inexhaustible source of conversion and faith. The aim of this book is to present the original texts and the musical chords, so that the cantors may follow better the oral tradition that they received. We present the songs in a progressive order, according to the different stages of the Way, from the initial catechesis to the different passages. The cards of songs are of different colours, in order to give an indication of the progressive walking, marked by the scrutinizes in which the songs are handed over: -- Yellow cards for the songs of the ucharist (Pg. 1 30) -- White cards for the songs of the Precatechumenate (Pg ) -- reen cards for the songs of the atechumenate (Pg ) -- Blue cards for the songs of the lection (Pg ) -- rey cards for the Breaking of the Bread (Various pages) In order to find the songs easily, there is a general index (where we put more than a title for each song), a biblical index and another one according to the liturgical periods and the different moments of the celebrations, specially the ucharist. Revised: June, 2002.
3 B TH POP PUL VI TO TH NOTHUMNL OMMUNITIS (1). another group, this is the group of priests and lay people who represent the movement, a movement behold the post conciliar realities of the Neocatechumenal ommunities. How great is the joy, how great is the hope, which you give us with your presence and with your activity! Your resolve, which for you, is a conscious, authentic way of living your hristian vocation, becomes an efficacious witness for others, you make an apostolate just because you are what you are, a stimulus to rediscover and recover the true, authentic and effective hristian values which otherwise might remain almost hidden and dormant, and are only too easily diluted in ordinary life. But no! You make them stand out, conspicuous and give them a moral splendour which is truly exemplary, precisely because, with this hristian spirit, you live your catechumenal communities. To live and foster this reawakening is what you call a kind of fter Baptism, which can renew in our contemporary hristian communities the effects of maturity and depth which were achieved in the early church during the period of preparation before baptism. You do this afterwards. Before or fter is secondary, I would say. The fact is that you aim at the authenticity, fullness, coherence, sincerity of hristian life. nd this is a very great merit, I repeat, which consoles us enormously, prompts and inspires our wishes, prayers, and most abundant blessings on you, on all those who help you, on all those whom you can, with your greeting and message, greet on your behalf. TH POP JOHN PUL II TO TH NOTHUMNL OMMUNITIS (2) My dearest ones, we are living in a period in we are experiencing a radical confrontation and I say this, because it is also my experience over many years a radical confrontation that is everywhere. There is no one single manifestation of this, it is diverse in the world; faith and anti-faith, ospel and anti-ospel; hurch and anti-hurch, od and anti-od, if we can put it like that. n anti-od does not exist, an anti-god cannot exist, but an anti-god can exist in man, the radical denial of od can be created in man. We are living this experience in our history, and more so than in previous times. In this age of ours, we nee to rediscover a radical faith, radically understood, radically lived and radically fulfilled. We have need of such a faith. I hope that our experience is born with such a perspective, and may lead towards a healthy radicalisation of our hristianity, of our faith, towards an authentic evangelical radicalism. This is why you have need of a great spirit, of great self control, and also, as your first catechist has said, of great obedience to the hurch. This has always been the case. This witness, this proof, has been given by the saints: By St rancis, by various charismatic people in different ages of the hurch. It is true that radicalisation of faith is needed, yes, but it must always be situated within the life of the hurch, and with her guidance, because the hurch in her entirety has received the Holy Spirit from hrist in the persons of the apostles after His resurrection. This joy that is in your surroundings, in your songs, in your behaviour, may very well be a sign of your southern temperament, but I hope it is a fruit of the Spirit, and I wish that it may be so. Yes, the hurch needs joy, because joy, with its different expressions is a revelation of happiness. So here man finds himself faced with this fundamental vocation, we can say almost natural: man is created to be happy, for happiness. If he sees this happiness, if he meets it in the expression of joy, he can start a way. Here I must say to you: the songs are good, your expressions of joy are good, but it is the Spirit who is the One who initiates the way. (1) uring the general audience of May 8, 1974 (2) uring the visit to the parish of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament and the anadian Martyrs, Rome, November 2, 1980 Revised: June, 2002.
He rose from death neocatechumenal way songs PDF
4 LPHBTIL INX shoot springs 122 woman clothed with the sun 281 bba ather 45 braham 55 cclaim the Lord (Ps.100) 81 gainst the seduction of sin (Ps 140) 123 keda 222 lleluia (astertide) 14 lleluia (Ps. 150) 43 en, en, en 9 nother four months 114 s men condemned to death 264 s the deer yearns 80 Behold I'm coming soon 54 * Behold our mirror (Ode 13) 210 Benedictus (anticle of Zechariah) 50 Beside the rivers of Babylon (Ps.137) 61 Bless Yahweh my soul (Ps.103) 34 * Blessed be od 212 Blessed Mary 110 Blessing of the Baptismal Water 10 aritas hristi 137 armen hrist Jesus is the Lord (Philippians) 64 * ome from Lebanon 269 ome Holy Spirit (Sequence of Pentecost) 15 ome O creator Spirit (Hymn of Pentecost) 17 ome, Son of Man 54 ome to me all of you 99 onsole my people 96 aughters of Jerusalem (uneral March) 104 ay of Rest 95 ayenu 70 e Profundis (Ps.130) 33 eath is swallowed up in victory 51 o not get angry 261 o not put resistance 266 li, li Lamma Sabactani (Ps.22) 214 ucharistic Prayer 23 ucharistic Prayer (onsecration & 24 cclamation) ucharistic Prayer II 6 ucharistic Prayer II (Long version) 25 venu Shalom lehem 44 xult, you just in the Lord (Ps 32) 125 xultet (Paschal Preconium) 12 or love of my brothers (Ps.122) 76 rom the depth I cry to you 33 ates lift up your heads (Ps.24) 59 ive blessing to the Lord (Ps.134) 103 ive thanks to the Lord (Ps.136) 39 lory, lory, lory (Isa 66:18ff) 126 lory to od 14 o and announce to my brothers 139 od rises to the acclamation (Ps.46) 48 race before meals 87 Hail Mary 65/110 Hail Queen of heaven 65 Happiness for the man (Ps.127) 118 Revised: June, 2002.
5 Happy the man (Ps.1) 116 Have mercy on me (Ps.51) 62 He rose from death 31 He s coming my od (dvent Song) 73 Here comes the kingdom 45 Holy, He s Holy (Lent) 5 Holy, Holy, Holy 6 Holy, Holy, Holy (dvent) 4 Holy, Holy, Holy (aster) 4 Holy, Holy, Holy (Ordinary) 5 Holy, Holy, Holy (1983) 22 Holy, Holy, Holy ( Hope in od (Ps.42) 80 How beautiful are your tents (Song of 89 Balaam) How good it is (Ps.133) 37 How lovely are your dwelling places (Ps.84) 94 How much longer (Ps.13) 35 Hymn for Lauds: aster to scension 18 Hymn of dvent 72 O irst and Last ay (Sunday) 19 On the eighth day (Sunday) 20 Shadows and darkness 21 The good shepherd ascended 16 (astertide) Hymn of Pentecost (ome O creator Spirit) 17 * Hymn to charity 262 I have admitted to you my sin 105 I hoped, I hoped in the Lord (Ps.40) 77 I lift my eyes to the mountains (Ps.121) 67 I love the Lord (Ps.116) 98 I love you O Lord (Ps 17) 127 I see Heaven open (The white horse) 206 I shall not die (Ps.118) 84 I want to go to Jerusalem 217 I want to sing (Ps.57) 78 I will bless the Lord 113 I ve stretched out my hands 282 If in the Lord 101 If the Lord does not build the house (Ps.127) 75 If today you listen to His voice (Ps.95) 68 If you feel a breeze Pentecost) 53 In Him there is no beauty (Servant of 273 Yahweh) In the presence of the angels (Ps 138) 90 * Jacob 204 * Jesus went round all the towns 265 Let od arise (Ps 67) 128 Let us go shepherds 119 Litany of sins 2 Look how it is good (Ps.133) 38 Lord do not reprove me (Ps 6) 129 Lord, help me 135 Lord, listen to my prayer (Ps 142) 144 Lord, Lord Jesus (Ps.119) 36 * Lord you search me (Ps.139) 213 Magnificat 47 Maria, house of blessing 112 Maria of Jasna ora 120 Mary little Mary (Hymn to the Virgin Mary) 66 Mary, mother of the burning way 138 Mary my mother 106 Mother, mother, city of od 221 Much have they persecuted me (Ps 128) 130 My beloved is for me 268 Revised: June, 2002.
10 I Rom. 8,15ff bba ather 45 8,33ff Who will separate us? 46 1or. 4,9-13 s men condemned to death ,1ff Hymn to charity He rose from death 31 15,1ff eath is swallowed up in victory 51 2or. 4,6-10 The same od 263 ph. 1,3-13 Blessed be od 212 6,11ff The armour of od 220 Ph. 2,1-11 hrist Jesus is the Lord 64 Rev. 3,14-18 Thus speaks the en 207 4,11 Worthy are you 274 7,12-14 en, en, en 9 12,1-17 woman clothed in the Sun ,6-9 Here comes the kingdom 45 19,11ff The white horse ,12ff Behold I'm coming soon 54 22,17ff ome, son of Man OS O SOLOMON Ode 7 You are the way 211 Ode 13 Behold our mirror 210 Ode 24 The dove flew 277 You are my hope, O Lord SONS INSPIR BY HBRW MLOY ayenu 70 venu Shalom lehem 44 I want to go to Jerusalem 217 There were two angels 97 Why is this night? SONS OR HILRN ive blessing to the Lord (Ps.133) 103 He's coming my od (dvent) 73 Let us go shepherds 119 The children of Bethlehem 74 There were two angels 97 Uri, Uri, Ura 92 Why is this night? SONS TO MRY Blessed are you Mary 110 Hail Queen of Heaven 65 Maria, house of blessing 112 Maria of Jasna ora 120 Mary little Mary 66 Mary, mother of the burning way 138 She lamb of od 272 Shlom lekh Mariam 134 Stabat Mater 107 Virgin of wonder OTHR SONS N HYMNS keda 222 aritas hristi 137 armen race before meals 87 Hymn to the glorious cross 219 I ve stretched out my hands 282 Lord, help me 135 Noli me tangere 133 O Jesus, my love 278 Paschal homily of Melito of Sardis 283 Paschal Hymn 143 Pentecost 53 Revised: June, 2002. 2ff7e9595c